The Physical & Energetic Gifts of Probiotic Cucumber and Avocado Soup

Posted by Candice Covington on

Probiotic Cucumber and Avocado Soup

The holidays bring so much cheer and wonderful food but not surprisingly also meals fit for a feast! Many of us indulge in foods we would not normally eat, and as much as our taste buds celebrate, often our digestive tract asks for a little extra support. I love serving this soup as a light lunch during this season for this reason.

As always, I enjoy looking at the energetic and physical properties of food and the synergy that offers:

On the energetic level - Cucumber offers, broad-spectrum relief for easing difficult emotional states (this plant can be understood as natures rescue remedy) renews and refreshes the physical body i.e. for exhaustion, illness, shock that drains prana, etcetera.

On the physical level - Cucumber health benefits includes, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, healthy weight management, detoxifying the body, alkalizing the blood, combating bad breath, supporting digestion, and controlling blood sugar level.

On the energetic levelAvocado harmonizes the body and mind by dissolving emotional tension and the negative influence of past pain that causes one to turn inward and harden against love offered. Offers shelter when feeling overwhelmed with emotion. Avocado allows the individual to become more vulnerable to others without fear and facilitates intimacy and healing through touch.

On the physical levelAvocado contain a wide variety of nutrients, including 20 different vitamins and minerals, reduces inflammation, has high amounts of soluble fiber that is known for feeding the friendly gut bacteria in your intestine, which are very important for optimal body function, supports reduced risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

On the energetic levelYogurt facilitates a clear, healthy mind.

On the physical level – Yogurt offers fermentation flora that inhabits the second half of the small intestine, ascending colon, and the traverse colon. Lactobacilli acidophilus is one of the most widely present germs of this flora. The role played by these germs is to facilitate the fermentation process, this includes breaking down fibrous material that makes up fruit and vegetables and releasing their nutrients, which cannot be digested solely by digestive system of human beings.

Remember when serving this soup, you are gifting not only the physical properties, but the subtle ones as well.


1 English cucumber

½ Ripe large avocado

2 Green onions

½ C full fat plain yogurt

½ C Buttermilk

1 tsp Salt

½ tsp Pepper

Dash or two of cayenne pepper

Dice cucumber, avocado, slice all of the white part of the green onions and 1/3 of the green leaves, place in blender (reserve the rest of the greens for a garnish). Add the yogurt, buttermilk and spices to blender and blend until smooth. Adjust seasoning to taste.

Offer thinly sliced radishes, reserved green onion leaves mixed with chopped herbs of choice, and feta cheese, to sprinkle on top of soup. I also provide Kilauena Onyx and Molokai Red Sea Salt at the table.


If you would like to incorporate the subtle energy of these plants beyond what you can eat in a day! I have created vibrational essences to support your process. 




Candice Covington is the author of Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice, former instructor at Ashmead College in Ayurvedic theory and aromatherapy, she is an aromatherapist for the Chopra Center. The founder of Divine Archetypes, an essential oil and flower essence company. An avid cook and forager, she lives on a farmette in Oregon City, Oregon with her partner, ducks, and many plants, cultivated and wild. This article is based off her upcoming book You Are What You Eat: A Vibrational Cookbook to be published by Inner Traditions. 

(c)  Content contained in this blog is the sole and copyrighted material of Inner Traditions and Candice Covington, and may not be reproduced or adapted for any reason without express consent of author and publisher    










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