News — You Are What You Eat: A Vibrational Cookbook

The Physical & Energetic Gifts of Probiotic Cucumber and Avocado Soup

Posted by Candice Covington on

The Physical & Energetic Gifts of Probiotic Cucumber and Avocado Soup

Probiotic Cucumber and Avocado Soup The holidays bring so much cheer and wonderful food but not surprisingly also meals fit for a feast! Many of us indulge in foods we would not normally eat, and as much as our taste buds celebrate, often our digestive tract asks for a little extra support. I love serving this soup as a light lunch during this season for this reason. As always, I enjoy looking at the energetic and physical properties of food and the synergy that offers: On the energetic level - Cucumber offers, broad-spectrum relief for easing difficult emotional states (this...

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The Energetic and Health Benefits of Safflower Oil

Posted by Candice Covington on

The Energetic and Health Benefits of Safflower Oil

The safflower plant shines bright like the sun – resembling a thistle with tufted flowers in brilliant – yellows, oranges, and reds. try our safflower flower essence to work with the subtle energy of this plant  Normally $18.  Now $16 Or as a base oil for your essential oil blends  Each flower produces 15 – 20 seeds, white, shiny, and smooth; it is from these seeds the oil is produced.  This plant has been cultivated for over 4,000 years due to the myriad of health benefits.  A few of these include: * Omega 6 and 3 for cardiovascular, brain health, and...

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