Essentail Oils to Balance The Throat Chakra
Posted by Candice Covington on
“Each person who ever was or is or will be has a song. It isn’t a song that anybody else wrote. It has its own melody, it has its own words. Very few people get to sing their song. Most of us fear that we cannot do it justice with our voices, or that our words are too foolish or too honest, or too odd.” – Neil Gaiman On sale $19 normally $27 Lavender Lavendula officinalis Element: Ether Stimulates the: 5th Chakra Key Vibrations: Healing, soothing, cushioning Lavender harmonizes more aspects of the human condition than any other...
Introducing Our New Chakra Balancing Treatment!
Posted by Candice Covington on
I am so excited to be able to offer this treatment again! I created this when I lived in Southern California to offer at the Chopra Center. It has taken me almost 3 years to find a place in Oregon that was the right fit for me start doing these again. I am delighted to be able to start working with people in such a intimate and nourishing way again We are currently running an introductory special for $99.00 at the West Linn Location * 90 minutes . $125.00 . West Linn Location Only Even though the...
Inviting the Blessings of the Crocus Fairy into your Life
Posted by Candice Covington on
Spring is upon us and a special harbinger of this season is the Crocus Flower: delicate and strong she pushes her way through snow bringing the gift of a brighter tomorrow Our Crocus flower essence is on sale $14 normally $18 Fairy can be understood as the over-lighting deva of plants "The word deva is a Sanskrit word meaning “body of light.” Devas work on an etheric level to orchestrate the energies that create form. They hold all of the cellular blueprints and genetic codes for a plant in their memories. Everything in nature is endowed with intelligence and spirit....
Goddess of the Moors: New ventures, Ideas that transform lives and energize people, Inspiration into action
Posted by Candice Covington on
Moors are magical places in the Highlands that are uncultivated hill land with low-growing vegetation Our vibrational essence of this energy is on sale $14 normally $18 When you Invoke the energy of the Goddess of the Moors she brings courage, good cheer, and elevates to the path of the heart. Her stalwart energy does not allow one to be crushed by circumstances, or to be dispirited, instead springing back and arising with renewed confidence and faith to overcome what ever tries to put you down. She offers the delightful gift of not taking yourself to seriously and grants...
Lucky Pick: Let The Universe Choose / Wabi-Sabi
Posted by Candice Covington on
Inspiration comes at the most unlikely of times I have found and this morning was no different. I was curled up in my favorite thinking chair, cradling a warm tea cup in my hands, while I chewed on what to do with my Pure Aromatherapy Misters I had just finished making. I felt some were not up to snuff to send off to a new home. Mind you, there is not really anything wrong with them, a crooked label or a few too many drops of an essential oil for the formula and I did not relish the idea of them languishing on...