Lucky Pick: Let The Universe Choose / Wabi-Sabi
Posted by Candice Covington on

Inspiration comes at the most unlikely of times I have found and this morning was no different. I was curled up in my favorite thinking chair, cradling a warm tea cup in my hands, while I chewed on what to do with my Pure Aromatherapy Misters I had just finished making. I felt some were not up to snuff to send off to a new home. Mind you, there is not really anything wrong with them, a crooked label or a few too many drops of an essential oil for the formula and I did not relish the idea of them languishing on...
Flash Sale! Divine Archetypes - Chakra Misters Box Set
Posted by Candice Covington on

Normally $165.00 - Sale Price $145.00 Divine Archetypes: Chakra Aromatherapy Misters We have seven major chakras or energy centers running along the axis of ones spine, each chakra governs a specific aspect of your life. Each mister is mindfully formulated using ayurvedic ideology to balance each center, bringing the gift aspects forward and shifting the shadow aspects into a harmonious state. As you read each explanation know that not all aspects may apply to you personally. Look for the energy that is current in your life and use the chakra mister that applies with intent to engage your deep...
Galangal Essential Oil: Invoking Lakshmi (Goddess of Fortune)
Posted by Candice Covington on

Starting Seedlings! Satisfying & Delicious
Posted by Candice Covington on

There are very few things, I find more therapeutic and satisfying than starting seedlings and nurturing them to harvest. Our goal this year was to plant every single thing we buy at market and extraordinary heirloom and exotic varieties we cannot find. Also, I get all googly-eyed thinking about all the Vibrational Essences I can make It is incredibly fun perusing seed catalogs, I highly recommend curling up with a brisk cup of tea and reading the Territorial Seed Company catalog, the images of the plants are beautiful and the descriptions are rich. It is easy to image how varieties you...
Working with the Archetype of Dionysus: Irrational Wisdom
Posted by Candice Covington on

Dionysus: Vibrational Essence You may use this vibrational essence to invoke any or all of the Archetypal pattern listed below Dionysus with Grape Leaf Staff “One function of love is to cure us of an anemic imagination, a life emptied of romantic attachment and abandoned to reason. Love releases us into the realm of divine imagination, where the soul is expanded and reminded of its unearthly cravings and needs”. – Thomas Moore Sacred Plant: Grape Vitis vinifera Element: Water seed of Fire Catalyst for: Cultivating the Untrammeled Self Chakra Correlation: Svadhishthana (pelvic bowl, 2nd ); Manipura (solar plexus 3rd) Sacred Syllables:...