Sylaphant (Nature Nymph)

Regular price $18.00

Key energies: Ancient magic, fecundity, understanding nature though your own nature, your literal body as an allegory for nature, creation through the primordial feminine.

* She is crowed with divine light as she does not need outside adornment

*Her eyes are closed because she looks inside for council

*She looks blissful because she is at peace

* Her heart is on fire and blazes fiercely and wonderfully 

*Her jeweled nipples represent the succor she offers the world though her many gifts 

*She is imbued with the divine gift of expression through voice and her high-heart leading her on the path of integrity

*Her beautiful shining navel represent she is the navel of creation

*Her fecund yoni is a elegant power symbol honoring her energy of the divine feminine and her ability to birth ideas and environments into the world  

* Her strong legs are firmly grounded into the earth

*Her blaze integrates all the power markers into self  

Sylaphant, imparts all of the energies listed above and if you allow her, really, really, getting to know  your most natural self, and being deeply content with what you find. Once this occurs it is fascinating to observe what grows in your life.  Using her energy will bring different results for everyone depending on what your dharma is. Working with her archetype also helps prime your deep-self to be receptive to allowing your own unique archetypal teachers to come to you! 

Remember to taking a vibrational essence awakens the same archetypal energies listed within you  


Our vibrational essences are stabilized in a matrix of Elder Flower and tastes like sunshine, happiness and positive expectations 

1 oz 

This is a complex archetype I suggest you read more here