Although all essential oils create positive shifts, Hemlock Spruce (Tsuga canadensis), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), White Birch (Betula alba) are especially dynamic for deep purification. Use any time your energetic, emotional, or mental body feels gummed up. These oils also have a long tradition of purifying the physical body!
This set includes the book, Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice: Working with the Chakras, Divine Archetypes, and the Five Great Elements. This book by Covington, reveals how to discover the energy patterns responsible for directing unhealthy life patterns and explains how to identify your personal vibrational signature, purify your energy body, and craft your own unique ritual practice.
+ 1 - 10 ml bottle of pure Hemlock Spruce Essential Oil . $17.50
+ 1 - 10 ml bottle of pure Tulsi Essential Oil . $13.75
+ 1 - 10 ml bottle of pure White Birch Essential Oil . $7.50
+ 1 - Book. Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice (194 pages) . $16.95
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