10 ml
Key Vibrations: Steadfast . Practical . Realistic . Direct
Energetic Gifts:
This essential oil is dynamic to help pull one from the mire of self-defeat, self- pity, self-destruction and not taking care of yourself. Helping one explore the energy of negative self-fulfilling prophecies and shift the energy before they come to be. In part by holding space for you (when no one else wants to) and all feels terrible and the 'whole world is against you'. An important part of the process is, we all get down sometimes and this oil helps you properly explore your gloomy feelings, so that you can be done with them. This is the type of energy / cycle no one can pull you from. You and you alone have to power to do so. This is not a 'heavy' oil! Think of the gifts on the other side of processing this energy.
Physical Gifts:
Analgesic, anthelmintic (used to destroy parasitic worms), antibacterial, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, carminative (relives flatulence), digestive, germicide, orexigenic (stimulating effect on the appetite). Against: amenorrhea, anorexia, bites - itching, candida, childbirth - stimulates contractions, circulation - slow, colds, cough, diarrhea, exhaustion - nervous, gum health, infection, influenza, lice, rheumatism, scabies, stomach distention, stress, tinea (ringworm, athlete's foot and jock itch), toothache, warts. *
Within the characteristic cinnamon leaf scent, this oil is sweet, spicy, warm, with a woody tenacity. Reminiscent of a freshly baked apple pie, this spice essential oil has a stunning spicy, resinous, warm, radiant aroma.
Cautions: Do not use during pregnancy, if suffering from stomach or intestinal ulcers, may cause skin irritation (use a skin patch test before use), never use in excess can cause tachycardia, inhibited blood clotting, may potentially react with certain medications, such as diabetes medication or anticoagulant medication, and may cause dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing). Always dilute before use.
EXTRACTION METHOD ~ Steam Distilled Essential Oil
ORIGIN ~ Sri Lanka
MAIN COMPONETS ~ 43% Eugenol
*Australasian College of Health Sciences