10 ml
Key Vibrations: Enlightenment, meditation, connection
Element: Prabhava *
Stimulates: Sixth Chakra
Energetic Gifts: This wise oil brings an inner awareness and a sense of ease engaging with higher consciousness, which is helpful for insights into blockages on your spiritual path, whether internal or external, and allows a gentle processing at your deepest levels. Ultimately sandalwood helps break down illusions, helping you align with your most authentic self. This is an excellent oil for meditation, spiritual practice, and healers.
* This translates to mean 'special quality'. Plants (that essential oils are distilled from) occasionally rise above the general schemata for understanding their behavior and have specific qualities that transcend thought, displaying uniqueness beyond general rules.
Physical Gifts:
* Antibacterial. Helps to reducing acne-causing bacteria in the skin such as Staphylococcus aureus.
* Anti-inflammatory effects: Although bisabolol is present at a lower percentage in Australian sandalwood oil, it confers a significant anti-inflammatory property on the oil.
* Skin care: An excellent emollient for dry, aging skin. It can also promote the regeneration of keratinocytes, leading to reduction in scar formation and in the repair of skin damage.
* Eases muscle spasms, helps with minor pain and inflammation, anti -fungal and viral. Good topical application for bug bites.
Of Interest:
At a time when Indian Sandalwood Oil (Santalum alba) is becoming increasingly rare, Australian Sandalwood Oil is a more ecologically sound choice with its very similar therapeutic properties and aroma. Ours is an exceptional and very therapeutic Australian Sandalwood Essential Oil, with a natural alpha-santalol content of over 25% and a deep, complex character.
Santolols are terpenols that are unique to the genus Santalum. These molecules are known to stimulate the pineal gland and release endorphins, giving a sense of well-being. The woody, pleasant fragrance of sandalwood oil is due to β-santolol while α-santolol has therapeutic and healing properties.
Sandalwood trees are known as ‘root hemi-parasites’, which means they require another tree or ‘host tree’ to grow. Host trees provide extra water and nutrients to the sandalwood, delivered by unique root connections. The two trees form a symbiotic relationship and live together throughout the life of the sandalwood tree. The best host species are nitrogen fixing plants (plants that convert nitrogen from the air into fertilizer for their growth), especially wattles (Acacia trees) that grow in Western Australia.
The fragrance is heady, warm and creamy, with rich wood notes, and decidedly exotic.
EXTRACTION METHOD ~ Steam Distilled Essential Oil from Heart Wood
ORIGIN ~ Australia
NOTE CLASSIFICATION ~ Base Note, An Excellent Fixative
MAIN COMPONETS ~ Terpenols– α-santalol, cis-β-santalol, trans-farnesol, epi- α -bisalobol, lanceolol, nuciferol, trans-α-bergamotol. Terpenes – santalene, bergamotene, curcumene