Complete Tattvas Essential Oil Collection

Regular price $115.00

Agarwood is sold out at this time! So please order each remaining oil individually 

Enjoy all 5 Tattvas Essential Oils! When you order this set I include 1 -  5/8 dram bottle of base oil, for your blending pleasure. Please click each essential oil for their full profile. For more information on these oils and system Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice  . Also some essential oils may be bottled in amber glass temporally . 

Please note these are exotic essential oils your nose might not be familiar with. Take your time getting aquatinted and you will fall in love


Agarwood:  Key Vibrations: Gifts: helps one gain an understanding of and access to the akashic field (ether); aids the mind in perceiving circumstance and environment as a gestalt; promotes open-mindedness and positive boundaries. Balancing: for taking inventory of one’s personal reality, with the intent to understand one’s emotions (water) and how they may be detracting from one’s full involvement with life; removing layers of reflexive emotional states to aid one in being able to be present in whatever is authentically occurring in the moment. $22.00

Betel Leaf: Key Vibrations: Gifts: enrichment of understanding through cycles; transmuting disturbances on the mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional level; allowing rebirth into a new form—one more in accord with what has been learned through the most recent expression of Self. Releases consciousness from matter, allowing information stored at a cellular and energetic level to be made known to the conscious mind for use. Balancing: fear surrounding deep behavioral changes and change in external reality; disconnection from instinctual wisdom and body knowledge. $22.00

Galangal: Key Vibrations: Gifts: understanding that the body is the present focus of personal consciousness and that cosmic consciousness is not “out there,” but that it resonates within you; being sacramentally rooted in Self and surroundings; knowing that your environment is alive and reacts to your awareness; being commander of your own form and reality; pleasure in being alive. Balancing: achieving the awareness that life does not happen to you; ending internal isolation by merging with the divine and bringing goals to fruition through focused attention and activity leading to abundance. $20.00

* This oil is hand labeled temporarily

Kaffir Lime Leaf: Key Vibrations: Gifts: helps one become technique–oriented, and delight in the details of working towards practical ends; gives rise to the energy of the specialist, which allows one to establish order and transform one’s environment by formulating findings in a technical manner; allows one to determine which tool would be best utilized in a certain environment. Balancing: allows one to take information/data and create a repeatable process; aids in understanding the environment of Self. $22.00

Massoia Bark: Key Vibrations: Gifts: helps one understand symbols and the complex nature and layers of information they contain. Balancing: allows one to interpret the rich symbolism that makes up one's life, including dream imagery; helps one identify projections around oneself to understand the quality of human togetherness at any particular time and place; helps one determine one's own individual stage of evolution. $28.00  * please note that this oil maybe sensitizing. Perform a skin patch before topical use and always use a high dilution rate *

Each oil is 10 ml