Please note that this blend literally brings the gift aspects forward for this chakra and helps heal the shadow aspects bringing perfect balance
Muladhara: foundation, base (mul - base, adhara - support). First Chakra.
Primal Element: Earth produces this center.
Spilled on this earth are all the joys of heaven. - Anonymous
Muladhara holds the following gifts:
• Color - blood red/crimson
• Being grounded, earth connection
• Stability, security, a sense of belonging
• Raw sexuality, body pleasure
• Body knowledge, instinctual knowing
• Inner-security and foundation of self
• Wisely executing earth gifts (i.e. essential oils, crystals, metals/minerals, plant essences)
Shadow issues:
• Energetically anemic, feeling cut off and isolated
• Ambivalence towards life, poverty consciousness, substance abuse, or any type of drastic escapism
• Sex for any type of ‘exchange’ or to ‘feel’
• Not living in a sustainable way that supports the earth
This mister is a must for creating abundance in your life, becoming grounded and being joyfully embodied
Essential Oils: Red spikenard, vetiver, patchouli, bergamot & gem elixir of garnet
2 fl oz