Sahaswara also known as the Seventh Chakra
Tattva tit: Beyond the Elements
Please note using this blend will literally bring the gift aspects forward of this chakra and help heal shadow aspects
This Chakra holds the energy of detachment from illusion; an essential vibration in obtaining non-local consciousness and understanding the truth of one is all and all is one.
Sahaswara translates to mean thousand-petaled lotus, and is the most subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness, and it is from this chakra that all the other chakras emanate. When an individual is able to raise their energy up to this point, the state of enlightenment is experienced.
A must for every serious meditator and seeker of spiritual truths
Essential Oils: Gulab attar, Chinese rice flower, white rose, lime & gem elixir of amethyst
2 fl oz