10 ml
Key Traits: Bringing light into the darkness, deep purification, expanding your appreciation of beauty and your own inner radiance, emotional succor, protection and a profound sense of calm. An expression of the divine feminine.
Divine Archetype: Brigid; Lady of the Forest/White Goddess
Birch has been traditionally used in Native American sweat-lodge ceremonies, whose purpose is deep purification of the spirit (subtle bodies). The essential oil of birch has the same effect on the spirit as the living tree has in dreary winter landscapes, brining radiance into the darkness. This essential oil also enhances your ability to experience beauty and remain calm.
In Russian folklore, as well as in Norse and Germanic cultures, the birch itself is called Lady of the Forest. Many cultures attribute qualities of nurturing, mothering, renewal, and protection to the white birch tree. The nourishing, caring birch is an age-old symbol of the White Goddess, and the Germanic rune berkana, “birch” stands in part for protection.
Reported Benefits and Uses
Birch Essential Oil is rich in Methyl salicylates and Salicylic Acid that help promote comfort, relaxation and support the body's own ability to boost effectiveness of it's healing cycles. Birch Oil is often added to lotions, massage oils and body salves for soothing minor pain and topical inflammation. Traditionally, applied topically and was used as an astringent and recognized for centuries as among the most effective of toners and tighteners of skin. Birch Oil is a purifying, uplifting and stimulating oil that encourages detoxification of the body when inhaled or applied topically.
Betula Lenta Bark Oil can help reduce stress, fatigue, depression and melancholy feelings. This essential oil also has sedative and antispasmodic properties and may help soothe anxiety.
Physical gifts: diuretic, supports passage of uric acid; blood purifier, against rheumatism, heals wounds and growths. Indications: gout, uremia, inadequate urine output, kidney inflammation, edema, rheumatism, arthritis; skin rashes, abbesses, psoriasis. *
Of Note
Birch Essential Oil, while chemically and therapeutically similar to Wintergreen Essential Oil is a specialty oil - it is much more difficult to extract than Wintergreen - as the bark must be macerated and soaked in warm water for at least 10-12 hours prior to the distillation for the most effective extraction. This therapeutically wide-spectrum stimulating and cleansing oil is highly recommended for restoring comfort to the overworked body and the agitated or anxious mind.
EXTRACTION METHOD ~ Steam Distilled Essential Oil
ORIGIN ~ Canada
* Pg 87 The Healing Power of Essential Oils, In English Edition 1996. Lotus Light Publications. Rodolphe Balz