Using this essential oil blend will bring the gift aspects forward and help heal the shadow aspects of the Air Element. This blends also invokes the archetypes listed below allowing you to work with their energy freely and with ease.
This entire energy complex is birthed from Air
This specific combination, 'paints' the archetypal
patterns of:
faith – surrender – higher Self
peace – inspiration – tenderness
and the Qualia of love, forgiveness & grace.
"Your task is not to seek for but merely to seek and find all the barriers, within yourself that you have built against [love]." – Rumi
Air is the breath of life. It is the prana that allows us to be animated and vital. Air holds the following gifts:
- Carries and facilitates positive change, relates to the intuitive body.
- Promotes curiosity, learning, and flexibility on all levels.
- Allows the mind to achieve new insight and fresh perspectives.
- Associated with abstract understanding and dreaming. Air is the element of active dreamers—the visualization of what could be.
- Promotes freedom from attachments (dogmatic, emotional, etc.).
- Supports shifting and directing consciousness and swiftness in all forms.
- Bridges the mundane and the divine to foster love of all types, forgiveness and compassion.
Too little air:
- Constricted heart center, holding grudges, inability to give or receive love, resulting in a dismal view of life.
- No personal intuition.
Too much air:
- Disturbs the mind and causes difficulty concentrating, thinking things through, or sitting for meditation.
- The inability to finish projects, scattered energy, being jittery.
- Poor internal anchoring and being overly swayed by environmental factors.
Constituents: Essential oils - marjoram, juniper, petigrain. Vibrational essences of pussy willow, seeded-cat tail in a coconut and rose hip base oil blend.
To use: Gently roll in your hands calling to mind the aspect of this blend you would like to work with, then anoint your body (the heart, neck and wrists) to invoke any of the vibrations listed above.