One of the rarefied gifts of this plant, is it's fragrance and how it interacts with other essential oils /absolutes, lending complexity of scent to a blend. An exquisite meditation blend for a diffuser is: green tea absolute, clary sage, and lemon. To deeply nourish your skin add 13 drops of green tea absolute, 7 drops of frankincense, and 3 drops of rose essential oil to 1 oz avocado oil. Apply right from the shower or bath while your skin is still moist and allow to air dry. This blend will work wonders for both body and face. To further understand this oils gifts please explore below.
Working with our collective nourishment -the food we eat- with grace filled intent, ‘a new language you will learn,’ giving you ‘more generous eyes’ to ‘see auras around different foods’ and 'hear the ‘songs of light’ and ‘know everything can sing’ (frequency/vibrations).
This is a fantastic study into one of the simplest forms of Natural Magic. Getting to know the foods we eat intimately. Today we will explore Radish Leaf Salad Dressing and the gifts so freely given.
Try diffusing this essential oil (it has a sharp, fresh, camphoric, sweet conifer aroma, that is invigorating. This is hands down one of my favorite scents of all time) to purify your space from germs and support lung and sinus health. Add 25 - 30 drops to 1/2 oz sesame seed oil and rub on chest to address respiratoryconditions characterized by excessive or thickened mucus, such as a chesty 'productive' cough. Use a 5% dilution to address cold sores and use at full strength to address plane warts. Add a few drops to shampoo to help stimulate your scalp and promote hair growth. To address any of the other conditions listed below blend 20 to 60 drops of oil in 3 1/2 oz base oil and apply to the part of your body you want to address. You may want to try adding a few drops to your face cloth mask before going out (no guarantee it will help but it certainly wont hurt). Add 1 tsp of Eastern White Cedar + 1 tablespoon rubbing alcohol to a 2 oz bottle, fill with water and shake before using, to clean surfaces. Any way you choose to use this oil it, will infuse not only the physical but energetic gifts into your life.
This is an excellent essential oil to diffuse, not only for the heavenly fragrance and physical benefits but for the energetic ones as well. You may try 3 drops of white pine in 1 tablespoon of fatty base oil like grape seed, coconut, or almond oil, in a warm bath with a handful or two of salt (sea or epson). Try 25 - 50 drops in 1 oz of base oil and rub on sore muscles and joints. 30 drops in 10 ml base oil to help heal open sores and wounds. I am always bashing about outdoors and my legs look I am just learning how to roller skate! I use this essential oil often to help make sure I do not get infected and help accelerate healing. For a topical cleaning mixture for surfaces try, 1 teaspoon of white pine essential oil, 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol (or alcohol of choice) and water in a 4 oz spray bottle. It will separate, shake to mix before each use. No guarantee this will help (it is worth a shot) add a few drops to your cloth face coving before venturing out into public.
Creating a recipe is akin to blending single musical notes together to create a melody. Although in our case we are using the vibrational ‘note’ of each food item used in combination to weave, a narrative or energetic story, to craft a specific state of being. I am fascinated with the idea of "nature abhors a vacuum". With the concept I am putting forward -- this translates as -- we can either consciously craft ourselves or the environment will fill in the blanks. Or laydown energetic patterns, in our subtle bodies, that will in turn dictate behavior, that is driven from a source outside of your choosing. Food is such a fun and available way to do this. Everyone eats!