News — Energetic Food Signatures
The Energy Signature of Razor Clam
Posted by Candice Covington on

Is helpful for the old soul who is world-weary, where it feels like you have seen and done everything life has to offer and are experiencing flat-out ennui. This mollusk allows you to tap into one more layer of living and find fresh experiences
Highlighted Veg from Vibrational Nutrition ~ Radicchio
Posted by Candice Covington on

This variety of the chicory plant is helpful for emotional stress or trauma, allowing a gentle relaxation so that the system can reintegrate before having to respond to the presenting situation. It allows you the ability to step back from things long enough to gather your inner resources and make space for proper decision-making.
Seeing the Auras Around Food & Working With Their Energies 🥗
Posted by Candice Covington on

Working with our collective nourishment - the food we eat - with grace filled intent, ‘a new language you will learn,’ giving you ‘more generous eyes’ to ‘see auras around different foods’ and 'hear the ‘songs of light’ and ‘know everything can sing’ (frequency/vibrations).
This is a fantastic study into one of the simplest forms of Natural Magic. Getting to know the foods we eat intimately. Today we will explore Radish Leaf Salad Dressing and the gifts so freely given.