This variety of the chicory plant is helpful for emotional stress or trauma, allowing a gentle relaxation so that the system can reintegrate before having to respond to the presenting situation. It allows you the ability to step back from things long enough to gather your inner resources and make space for proper decision-making.
To learn more you can purchase Vibrational Nutrition: Understanding the Energetic Signature of Foods from - Barns and Nobel . Amazon . Your Local Bookstore
Candice Covington is a certified aromatherapist, massage therapist, healing arts master, and energy worker. A former instructor at Ashmead College and former aromatherapist for the Chopra Center, she is the founder of Divine Archetypes, an essential oil and flower essence company, and the author of Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice and Vibrational Nutrition. She lives on a farmette in Oregon City, Oregon.