News — #candice covington

Feeding Your Energy: Vibrational Nutrition and the Power of the Moon

Posted by Candice Covington on

Feeding Your Energy: Vibrational Nutrition and the Power of the Moon
Vibrational Nutrition: Eating the Moon explores the energetic properties of whole-foods, teaching how to create specific states of being, by aligning with the vibrational frequencies of the Universe. This recipe aligns you through mindful eating, to harnessing the archetypal energies of the New and Waxing moon

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Barley & Root Chakra Vegetable Stew

Posted by Candice Covington on

Barley & Root Chakra Vegetable Stew
Bring Your Root Chakra Into Balance with Vibrational Nutrition

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You Are What You Eat: Vibrational Nutrition Workshop - In Person

Posted by Candice Covington on

You Are What You Eat: Vibrational Nutrition Workshop - In Person

What People are Saying 

Food is more than calories and nutrients to be tallied--it is energy and information--and this [course] explores the depth of that understanding on an energetic and vibrational level that can help us understand our own food cravings and aversions and how foods can affect our moods, behaviors, and our spirit. What a delicious delight!"

- Valencia Porter, M.D., M.P.H., author of Resilient Health 

When: Sunday, February 5th / Time: 1:00 Pm

Where: The Lazy Witch Shoppe. 561 S. Orem Blvd, Suite M3. Orem, Utah

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Featured Oil from Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice ~ Tulsi

Posted by Candice Covington on

Featured Oil from Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice ~ Tulsi

All essential oils create positive shifts, although Tulsi is especially dynamic for deep purification.  Use any time your energetic, emotional, or mental body feels gummed up. This oil has a long tradition of purifying the physical and subtle bodies. As part of a spiritual practice, you may try using monthly in ceremony for a general reset. Tulsi/Holy Basil is also recommended as a first step in any intense healing journey.   buy here . $13 . 10 ml  Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) Key Traits: Blueprint of the perfected self, understanding what the act of devotion means, pure unobstructed/unconditional love, purification and protection. An emanation...

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Warm Wild Mushrooms and Watercress Salad = Time Well Spent

Posted by Candice Covington on

Warm Wild Mushrooms and Watercress Salad = Time Well Spent
Time Management seems to be on everyone’s lips: from learning how to regulate oneself whilst working from home to managing online schooling for children to working in your spiritual/exercise/health routine. That is a lot of balls in the air! If you are accustomed to an outside structure offering support, space, and a blueprint to manage your day, this can be a quite the learning curve. Luckily we all have to eat! The following recipe helps one slow down the external and internal hustle, gives perspective, and fluidity in breaking your day into small bits you can examine and reassemble in the most beneficial way. And delicious to boot!

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