News — anti inflammatory
New Product! Hyacinth Absolute ~ Hyacinthus orientalis (Organic)
Posted by Candice Covington on

Physical Gifts: Muscle relaxer, calming and sedative effects, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties. Cicatrisant, meaning it has cell-regenerative properties, making it helpful for healing scars. Soothing for irritated skin conditions.
Siberian Fir Essential Oil Abies sibirica
Posted by Candice Covington on

The forest, even when saturated with sunlight, is ever-moving and alive within the continuum of light and dark. Shadows playing with the light, creating images that inflame our imagination, offering dark places that are refuge for small things that want to be hidden from sight or for plants that can only grow in eternal twilight. The Siberian Fir in its lifetime can grow in excess of a hundred feet and live up to 200 years if left undisturbed. Creating homes for fauna and flora alike.
White Pine Essential Oil ~ Pinus Strobus
Posted by Candice Covington on

This is an excellent essential oil to diffuse, not only for the heavenly fragrance and physical benefits but for the energetic ones as well. You may try 3 drops of white pine in 1 tablespoon of fatty base oil like grape seed, coconut, or almond oil, in a warm bath with a handful or two of salt (sea or epson). Try 25 - 50 drops in 1 oz of base oil and rub on sore muscles and joints. 30 drops in 10 ml base oil to help heal open sores and wounds. I am always bashing about outdoors and my legs look I am just learning how to roller skate! I use this essential oil often to help make sure I do not get infected and help accelerate healing. For a topical cleaning mixture for surfaces try, 1 teaspoon of white pine essential oil, 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol (or alcohol of choice) and water in a 4 oz spray bottle. It will separate, shake to mix before each use. No guarantee this will help (it is worth a shot) add a few drops to your cloth face coving before venturing out into public.