Eating With Intention 🍓 A Vibrational Nutrition Workshop - In Person

Posted by Candice Covington on

Food speaks to us, all we need to do is listen, be still, and drink in the unique grandeur of each fruit and vegetable. As each has its innate markings, color, vibration, and taste. The ripe peach shimmers on the tree in the vibrant hues of the second chakra and is evocative of feminine gifts—cleft and succulent—vibrates to the energy of the muses, the goddesses of the arts, and helps incite the gift of art in all expressions. The precious gift of the peach is to open you to the memory of the muse in your own heart and the joyous expression that flows from this wellspring. 

When you eat in a mindful manner, you engage with nature and see the environment as an extension of yourself and the plants as aspects of you. And you in them. We are intimately and forever intertwined, we are made from the same raw materials: the same recycled earth, life force, mind and spirit. The inner intelligence of our bodies is the ultimate and supreme genius of nature and mirrors the wisdom of the universe.

I believe Nature to be the kindest of teachers who is always refining and bringing about the best of what we are made of

In this class we explore the philosophy behind eating with intention and some whole foods that deepen intuition and open the gates of perception.

As we ingest and take each unique food into our body, their memories / vibrations, act as a template that shape and form our subtle bodies into specific frequencies, that in turn create specific behaviors. You will be able to experiencing first hand the shifts that occur in the body, mind, and spirit.


When: Sunday, February 5th / Time: 1:00 Pm

Where: The Lazy Witch Shoppe. 561 S. Orem Blvd, Suite M3. Orem, Utah

Duration: 2 Hours / Capacity: Limited to 15 participants

Workshop Cost: $15.00 / Instructor: Candice Covington

To Register and Pay:  Here 



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