We are all made up of all dosha types and we flux in and out of the different energies based on what is going on internally and externally. This set offers a full toolbox to allow you to address what needs to be in the moment.
These Kapha Balancing Bath Salts Address:
Procrastination, Withdrawing, Muscle Aches, Sluggish Metabolism, Digestion, Excess Weight, Lethargy, Body Toxicity, Congestion and Sadness.
Magnesium sulfate, molokai red salt, sodium bicarbonate, powdered milk, corn silk powder. Ginger, orange and rosemary essential oils.
Add entire container to a warm bath, Swirl in a figure 8, Submerge and Heal.
These Pitta Balancing Bath Salts Address:
Inflammation, excess heat, skin eruptions, oily skin, painful menses, cold sores/herpes, heart burn, frustration, anger,irritability, being judgmental, excessively perfectionistic. Supports: Circulation, blood purification and liver function.
Magnesium sulfate, green bamboo leaf salt, sodium bicarbonate, powdered milk, blessed thistle powder, aloe vera powder. Pure Essential Oils of coriander, cardamom and bergamot.
Add entire container to a temperate bath, Swirl in a figure 8, Submerge and Heal
These Vata Balancing Bath Salts Address:
Insomnia, Anxiety, Dry Skin, Headaches, Joint Pain, Immune Support, Gas/Bloating, Overly Cold, Spacey/Scattered, Excessive Thinking/Worrying & Feeling Overwhelmed.
Magnesium sulfate, kilavea onyx sea salt, sodium bicarbonate, powdered milk, powdered ashwagandha, valerian powder. Essential Oils of lavender, roman chamomile and vetiver.
Add entire container to a hot bath, Swirl in a figure 8, Submerge and Heal
Each tin is 2oz