Use code Garden at checkout for 35% off your entire order. You can mix and match, choose just one, or order the whole collection!
Each one of these vibrational essences, I lovingly grew from seed to fruition, before turning them into flower and vibrational essences. Learn more about where I grow and make these " in the garden ". I use a unique process often, using the mature fruition of the bloom verses the flower; giving these vibrational essences a deep-resonance, that I find especially powerful.
Please visit each link below for in-depth information on each unique essence:
Asparagus Vibrational Essence - Best Seller
Carrot Root Vibrational Essence
Carrot Top Vibrational Essence - Best Seller
Cucumber Vibrational Essence - Best Seller
Garlic Vibrational Essence - Best Seller
Green Bean Vibrational Essence - Best Seller
Hedgehog Mushroom Vibrational Essence - Best Seller
Kale Vibrational Essence - Best Seller
A little help from my organic pest control troop! Preparing my green beans with love before making vibrational essences
Picking grapes still moist with morning dew preparing to make my grape vibrational essence