News — Understanding the Vibration of your Food
Eating Magic ✨ In Person Class - January 5th
Posted by Candice Covington on

Imagine for a moment you have the swirling primordial energies of the universe at your finger tips and the ability to use this energy to--skillfully craft energy into desired states. Imagine you have the ability to administer to and support others at their deepest levels. In two words: you do! By accessing the frequency of food
Understanding the Energetic Signature of Dragon Fruit Salsa
Posted by Candice Covington on

Creating a recipe is akin to blending single musical notes together to create a melody. Although in our case we are using the vibrational ‘note’ of each food item used in combination to weave, a narrative or energetic story, to craft a specific state of being. I am fascinated with the idea of "nature abhors a vacuum". With the concept I am putting forward -- this translates as -- we can either consciously craft ourselves or the environment will fill in the blanks. Or laydown energetic patterns, in our subtle bodies, that will in turn dictate behavior, that is driven from a source outside of your choosing. Food is such a fun and available way to do this. Everyone eats!