News — protection

Elderflower Absolute - Sambucus nigra ssp. Caerulea

Posted by Candice Covington on

Elderflower Absolute - Sambucus nigra ssp. Caerulea

This is a direct link to asking the oracle for help but not to control an outside force but to understand an internal one. The goal here is not predictably nor domination, in fact quite the opposite, the less predictable the individual becomes, rigidity is reduced and spontaneity and creativity are increased. I understand this may sound in conflict of popular ideas, however the emphasis upon the person rather than a specific event, switches the energy from ‘something happening to you’, to ‘you happening to an event’. What skills and knowing do you want to bring to bear?     

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White Birch ~ Betula lenta L. Essential Oil (Organic)

Posted by Candice Covington on

White Birch ~ Betula lenta L. Essential Oil (Organic)
Key Traits: Bringing light into the darkness, deep purification, expanding your appreciation of beauty and your own inner radiance, emotional succor, protection and a profound sense of calm. An expression of the divine feminine.

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