News — Pain
Siberian Fir Essential Oil Abies sibirica
Posted by Candice Covington on

The forest, even when saturated with sunlight, is ever-moving and alive within the continuum of light and dark. Shadows playing with the light, creating images that inflame our imagination, offering dark places that are refuge for small things that want to be hidden from sight or for plants that can only grow in eternal twilight. The Siberian Fir in its lifetime can grow in excess of a hundred feet and live up to 200 years if left undisturbed. Creating homes for fauna and flora alike.
New Product! Cool as a Cucumber Body Cream
Posted by Candice Covington on

This multi-purpose cream is a deeply cooling combination that is dynamic for addressing--inflammation, muscle aches and strains, neuralgia, and arthritis. Beneficial for sunburns (or burns of any type), itching, eczema, and dermatitis. Excellent for cuts, wounds, sores and bruises, to stop infection, helping you not to scar and moves fluid. Apply to neck, chest, hands and feet for deep restful sleep and to keep headaches at bay. Apply to the stomach and lower back in a clockwise motion, to aid in digestion, stomach upset, feelings of being over-full and flatulence. Not only for full body application but gentle enough for the face. This formula is deeply moisturizing without being greasy, reduces puffiness, dark circles under eyes, increases collagen synthesis, diminishes signs of aging, protects from UV light exposure, free radicals and creates a healthful glow!