News — fire
Working with the Archetype of Dionysus: Irrational Wisdom
Posted by Candice Covington on

Dionysus: Vibrational Essence You may use this vibrational essence to invoke any or all of the Archetypal pattern listed below Dionysus with Grape Leaf Staff “One function of love is to cure us of an anemic imagination, a life emptied of romantic attachment and abandoned to reason. Love releases us into the realm of divine imagination, where the soul is expanded and reminded of its unearthly cravings and needs”. – Thomas Moore Sacred Plant: Grape Vitis vinifera Element: Water seed of Fire Catalyst for: Cultivating the Untrammeled Self Chakra Correlation: Svadhishthana (pelvic bowl, 2nd ); Manipura (solar plexus 3rd) Sacred Syllables:...