Someone once said that courage is not the absence of fear but that which enables us to experience fear and not he stopped by it. In our lives we are often, even constantly, confronted with a new world, a new way of being in the world, a new way of seeing and of being seen. Ordinary living takes courage. We are by nature reactive animals who have strong response to fear, rage, worry and so on. We are also capable transforming these strong emotions into courage, love and hope.
Flower Essences are powerful tools to aid us in living our best ordinary lives. I have created two new essences based off e-mails I have been receiving.
Positive expectations. Natural magic. Being in flow
Teaches us how to be in flow (natural magic) that we are not static, that we are not 'fixed' things. Instead living expression of Nature, in all of her glory and complexity, and often all we have to do is just 'be'; allowing ourselves to be in divine relationship with Nature.
This brings an effortless state of being. Being in the right place at the right time. Unexpected turns and twists that take you to delightful destinations you could not navigate alone. Giving and receiving freely. Being filled with light. Relinquishing control. Living in trust and inspiration. Spontaneous joy.
Bravery. Working with fear. Moral strength
For those who experience primal fear, fear, terror, or grief, that is paralyzing. Supports clearing deep trauma and bringing reorientation to ones core, through all subtle levels down to the cellular. Allowing profound changes to occur and a new levels of freedom are experienced, giving one the ability to move forward in life with a renewed sense of security.
Whispering Winds Flower Essence & Vibrational Essence Collection
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